Thursday, August 28, 2014

How to Edit 4K from Panasonic GH4 in Premiere Pro CC

Can't import Panasonic GH4 4K footage to Adobe Premiere Pro CC for editing? Fortunately, there is an easy workaround to fix the issue. Check it out here!

Numerically the successor to the GH3, The new Panasonic GH4 comes-in at a higher level to satisfy video professionals who want to film in 4K using a relatively affordable interchangeable lens camera. It's the first prosumer model to offer Cinema 4K (C4K, 4,096x2,160) in addition to Quad HD 4K (QHD, 3,840x2,160), and notably it supports potentially extra-high-quality HD, meaning 4:2:2 10-bit output with a 200Mbps bit rate at all the major frame rates. So, you can get 4K and 1080P footage easily. The point here, you will find it a painful experience to import and edit Panasonic GH4 4K footage in Adobe Premiere Pro CC. There're some frequently asked questions quoted as below.